National Solid Waste Management Programme
Technical assistance and work supervision of the Haags Bosch landfill: leachate treatment plant, landfill gas management system, composting plant, weighbridge and weighing cabin, wheel washing system, administrative building/maintenance/canteen for the workers, building for the waste pickers for waste recovery/recycling, internal roads, drainage channels, fencing.
HYDEA provided services for three landfills located in the Georgetown urban area: assistance for the construction and management of the new Haags Bosch landfill, the conversion of the Le Repentir landfill into a public park and the conversion of the Lusignan landfill into a semi-aerobic landfill. Through these three projects, HYDEA has significantly contributed to the improvement of the infrastructures which treat and dispose of solid waste, as well as extending the service life of the existing facilities.
With the conversion of the landfills into public parks, the most run-down areas of the urban perimeter can be rehabilitated and acquire new dignity, bringing positive effects on the quality of life of the resident population and on the market value of the surrounding neighbourhoods.
The assignment also included the preparation of the National Strategy for Waste Management 2013-2024.
From – To
2012 – 2015
Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development
IDB-Inter American Development Bank