Port of Punta Ala


Preliminary design for the redevelopment and expansion of Punta Ala Harbour 

The project for the expansion of the new harbour includes a significant increase of the outer dam at north-east, an increase of the quay and the piers, and the construction of new buildings:

  • Office Building, in the red lighthouse area
  • Commercial/service area at the breakwater
  • Port Reception
  • General completion works and street furniture

These changes lead to the need to reconnect the old harbour to the new, to create nodal points where the sensations of the pre-existence can be reconnected and at the same time create something new and modern, a dialectic synthesis of old and new elements.

From the current composition of the port comes the desire to propose a design approach that is capable of uniting the various points of intervention under a single criterion. For the sake of coherence and philological univocity, the furnishings and the new buildings will not only be considered individually, but also as episodes of the same story, maintaining and reinterpreting the architectural-natural keys intrinsic to the port and adapting them to the needs of each new element.


Marina di Punta Ala

Buildings: 1,500 mq
Harbour: 20 ha